11th ConTEXt Meeting: Maibach, Germany, September 11–17, 2017

11th International ConTEXt Meeting

The eleventh ConTEXt meeting will take place in Maibacher Schweiz, Germany on

September 11–17, 2017

meeting 2017 logo

You are cordially invited to join the 11th ConTEXt meeting. The meeting will host ConTEXt and LuaTEX developers and users and gives you the opportunity to present your results, experiences and ideas on future development. The talks will be followed-up by tutorials on different ConTEXt and LuaTEX techniques.

Call for submissions

The theme for this meeting is:

ConTEXt Gardening

As in previous years, anything at all related to ConTEXt that you would like to share is an acceptable subject for a presentation, tutorial, discussion, Q&A session, demonstration, workshop, recital, sketch, or sermon.


The conference is sponsored by:

We thank Dante for their participation in the ever-growing ConTEXt community!