Brejlov is the former mill on the bank of the Sázava river in the beautiful countryside nearby Prague.
The hotel will provide us with everything we need for the conference, including the delicious food and drinks.
Brejlov is also a perfect place for outdoor activities. Either you like walking or cycling, you will enjoy it. Easy canoeing for one or more days in the Sázava river is also possible. There is the boat and bicycle rental service (prices are little higher now, check translation from Czech by Google for the actual ones) in Týnec nad Sázavou and number of canoeing camps alongside the river.
If it is still hot in September, we can refresh ourselves by swimming in the river, too.
Visits to Prague are easy, but it takes some time to get to the Prague's center and back. Public transport to the old center of Prague takes 90 minutes. Combining car and public transport in the inner Prague (more convenient) one way will take you 60 minutes.
Mlýn Brejlov (Google Translate)
Břežany 29
257 44 Lešany
Czech Republic
Tel: (+420) 774 443 854
Loc: 49°50'25.349"N, 14°33'43.998"E
Here is the map of the place with all the driving directions and images, listed below.
Large map.
By car
If you use motorway/highway (west, north, east) you need a valid sticker, which you should buy at the border. Assuming your car is <3.5t you can use 7-day (250 CZK = 10 EUR) or 30-day (350 CZK = 14 EUR) sticker. The sticker bought on Monday is valid till next Sunday (7 days).
From Nürnberg (west) – blue: Much can change till the late summer (new by-pass road around Prague). Details TBA.
From Berlin (north) – blue: Bypass Prague from the east and follow the signs to Brno (Wien). You will reach the D1 highway where you take off at the Exit 15, direction to V.Popovice. Take the Route 107 to Týnec nad Sázavou (V.Popovice –> Kamenice –> Týnec nad Sázavou).
From Wien (east) – blue: On the Highway D1 take the Exit 15 in the direction to V.Popovice. Take the Route 107 to Týnec nad Sázavou (V.Popovice –> Kamenice –> Týnec nad Sázavou).
All above directions should get you here in Týnec nad Sázavou (turning left after bypassing the bus station mentioned below):
Turn right here and follow the Last Mile from Týnec nad Sázavou to Brejlov.From Salzburg, Linz (south) – green: Follow the Route E55 (České Budějovice –> Tábor –> Benešov). In Benešov turn left and take the Route 106 to Týnec nad Sázavou. You should get to this crossing in Týnec nad Sázavou (same as the pictures above, other direction):

Go ahead and follow the Last Mile to Brejlov.
By Public Transport (Plane, Train)
The place is almost reachable by public transport to Týnec nad Sázavou, where we will pick you up on demand.
Prague's Transport
Metro transport is the most convenient. From the airport take Bus 119 to the metro station Dejvická on line A (green line) – interval 5 to 20 minutes, travel time 24 minutes (details). On Muzeum station switch to red line C either to Hlavní nádraží (Main Train Station, train to Týnec nad Sázavou) or to Budějovická (Bus 339 to Týnec nad Sázavou).Fare (including transport from the airport):
- single ticket (75 minutes): 26 CZK = 1 EUR
- all-day ticket (24 hours): 100 CZK = 4 EUR
- three-day ticket (72 hours): 330 CZK = 13 EUR
- five-day ticket (300 hours): 500 CZK = 20 EUR
From Prague to Týnec nad Sázavou
New bus and train timetables will be available here a week or two before the meeting.
You can take the Bus 339 from the metro station on Line C (Red Line) called Budějovická (extra ticket available on the bus, cca 30 CZK = 1.5 EUR). It takes 54 minute to get there. You will get off at the final station (don't worry, this is the bus station from the seventies, the buses are new and safe), notice the back of the train station building on the right:
Much nicer and in Prague easier to find is taking a small local train from the Prague's Main Station (Praha, Hlavní nádraží) – route Praha–Čerčany. It takes 81 minutes to get to Týnec nad Sázavou, but you will have the unique opportunity to see the beautiful countryside. You will see this lovely train station if you take off the train in the right time:
Both bus and train travelers will see the stone tower of the local castle on the other bank of the Sázava river when they get off:
Give us a call and we will pick you up here, or walk 30 minutes following the Last Mile instructions.On Foot
Ideally suited for Arthur and other wanderers. You can reach Brejlov within few hours if you start from the border of Prague (Zbraslav – 31km, Davle – 19km). Just follow the red tourist road in the direction to Kamenný Přívoz, where you change to the green road to Březany (direction Netvořice). Take left to Brejlov. On the way you will copy the river basin of the Sázava river. Anytime to Kamenný Přívoz you can switch to the train (oh, you can't unless you wade, you are on the other river bank, you can switch in Kamenný Přívoz which – on the other hand – makes no sense, because you are only few kilometers away from Brejlov). Here is the the tourist map with the color tourist routes.
Last Mile: From Týnec nad Sázavou to Brejlov – yellow
Now we are all in Týnec nad Sázavou and here just follow the signs to Brejlov.
See the bridge? Great! You are almost there.
Turn right here:
The trees hide the mill, left:
Here you are, just turn right:
and park here:
Congratulations, you are in the finish.